Summer is coming to a close, and the colder months are approaching. Fall and winter bring cooler temperatures, falling leaves, and shorter days. Follow this guide to prepare your home for the fall and the coming winter.

Plant Flower Bulbs

Winter weather causes the ground to freeze and become too cold to plant flower bulbs. To prepare your backyard for the spring, complete gardening work before the cold weather arrives. Daffodils, tulips, and alliums are examples of flowers to plant in the fall that will grow when warmer temperatures return in the spring.

Fertilize the Lawn to Prepare Your Home for Fall

The hot, humid summer weather dries out the grass and can stress plants in the garden beds. Get them ready for winter by applying fertilizer in the fall. Fertilizer provides nutrients to strengthen your lawn and prepare it for the following spring.

Drain lawnmowers and other gardening equipment when winter arrives because leftover gas can cause permanent damage.

Maintain the Gutters

Falling leaves often get trapped in the gutters and cause clogs. Gutters that do not drain properly can lead to roof leaks, foundation damage, and other issues. Prepare your home for fall by cleaning the gutters. After cleaning, install gutter guards to prevent debris from accumulating in the channels.

Prepare Your Home for Fall by Servicing the HVAC

After a long summer of cooling your home, your HVAC system will benefit from a service visit to prepare for winter. Clean the filters, coils, and air ducts, or call a professional to complete the job for you.

If you have a smart thermostat, it can help save energy while keeping your house cozy. Adjust the thermostat for cooler weather by reprogramming it in the fall. You’ll enjoy comfortable living spaces while you’re home, and the thermostat will automatically adjust the temperature lower for when you’re away.

Check the Doors and Windows

Cracks and other openings around doors and windows cause drafts to cool your home as you try to heat the living spaces during fall and winter. Prepare your home for cold weather by finding and sealing gaps with caulk or weatherstripping.

Drain Outdoor Equipment to Prepare Your Home for Fall

The season’s first freeze can come unexpectedly and cause pipes to burst. Take the proper precautions by draining faucets, hoses, and sprinklers before the temperatures drop.

Clean Your Fireplace and Chimney

Your fireplace, gas or wood, requires maintenance before its first use of the season to prevent smoke, soot, or carbon monoxide from filling your home. Contact a professional to inspect and clean the chimney properly.

Cold weather is on the way. Prepare your home and keep your family warm and comfortable this winter.

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